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storm clouds - independent schools webinar the perfect storm

Independent Schools webinar 1st of February - GBH Law

Preparing for the Perfect Storm

An online discussion for Independent School Governors about how to shield your school from the ‘Perfect Storm’.

Independent Schools are facing significant threats on all fronts, in terms of economic pressures, political challenges and market dynamics.

Chairs and Governors are invited to join our expert panel for a convenient lunchtime webinar.

Wednesday, February 1st 12.30 – 1.30 pm

We will explore how you can shield your school from some of the challenges that lie ahead and what positive opportunities might emerge out of the storm.

Governing a school has never been more challenging, so we encourage you to take part in what we hope will be a helpful and informative discussion with:

  • Simon Shneerson – Strategic Consultant to Independent Schools.
  • Andrea Tishler – Solicitor/Director and Head of Schools, GBH Law.
  • Tracey Young – Partner and Head of Education, Haysmacintyre.

There is no charge to attend the webinar, but advanced registration and a password will be required to enter online on the day.

Email Simon Shneerson to reserve your place.