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Legal500 legal directory ranking 2024 - GBH Law

Legal500 rankings 2024 for GBH Law

The Legal 500 has once again ranked us as a top law firm in the UK which reflects our extensive expertise dealing with corporate and commercial matters.

We are pleased to be recognised across Kent, Surrey, and Sussex for our legal reputation. While we are rooted in Surrey, our expertise extends beyond our region, serving clients across the UK and abroad.

Well done to Denise Herrington, Kate Doody, and Chloe Wallington as well for being ranked as leading lawyers, and to the whole team for their outstanding support.

A special thank you to our clients and peers who provided feedback which really validates our stellar reputation, approachability, and expert advice:

“A sincere personal service from a team that is prepared to put in the hard work and hours. They offer sound advice and strong, efficient and prompt delivery of documentation. The speed of reply and execution stands out.”


“Personal service from an experienced and knowledgeable team. They offer a pragmatic and commercial approach to solving problems. The team were very knowledgeable and calm at all stages and we were confident to proceed to the completion of the deal.”


“Denise Herrington acted with true professionalism managing the relationship perfectly. The trust we had in Denise helped us sleep at night when things got stressful. Her knowledge and experience saw the deal completed to everyone’s satisfaction.”


We are also particularly proud to be ranked amongst many of the largest regional law firms, many of whom have multiple offices across the UK.

See here for the full rankings from Legal 500