team member reading documents


Many of our independent school clients are constituted as charities and we are frequently called upon to give advice on aspects of charity law and governance.

We have therefore developed an expertise in this area of the law which we have applied to other charities, some local and some national, working in different fields, including a students’ union, a conservation charity, and various charities involved in providing for those with disabilities. A number of the solicitors in our team also have practical experience of the management of charities, serving as trustees and governors themselves.

Our experience includes the setting up of charities as companies limited by guarantee and Charitable Incorporated Organisations, mergers and collaborations of charities, closures and dissolutions and dealing with governance issues which arise from time to time. We are well versed in dealings with the Charity Commission.

We recognise that charities have to be run on business lines and so our work for our charity clients encompasses advice on a wide range of business law matters such as employment law, commercial agreements, and property matters. However, we are always mindful that charities have a reputation to maintain and our advice is specifically tailored with that in mind.

We are also known for the training we are able to provide to trustees on their duties and responsibilities and other relevant aspects of the management and administration of charities.