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Work experience placement by Shamara Blaize

Shamara Blaize tells us about her work placement experience at GBH Law.

Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Shamara Blaize. I am a second-year law student at City, University of London. I am also the financial officer for the Women in Law Society at City, I am a Circl® Future leader, and a City Ambassador and City Mentor (Leader).

Why did you want to do work experience at GBH Law and what is it about them that interested you?

The reason why I wanted to do work experience at GBH Law is that it is a firm that deals with corporate issues and that meant a lot to me as I would like to be a corporate solicitor in the future. The firm was also recommended to me therefore I knew that it would be reputable.

What kind of activities did you participate in while working at GBH Law?

Whilst I was at GBH Law I learned a lot about the different software that is used to assist solicitors such as Tikit (Partner for Windows), which was informative. I was fortunate to read over client contracts, made notes and looked for any potential gaps, with the help of the solicitor I was shadowing.

What have you learnt from doing a work experience?

I learned how solicitors use the law to help their clients. I had an insight into how client meetings proceed and the results that come from such meetings. I also got to see how solicitors from both sides work together to draft contracts.

How would you describe your time at GBH Law?

My time at GBH Law was very insightful and it gave me a great taster into the world of corporate law.

What would you tell your friends and family about your work experience placement at GBH Law?

It was also nice to see a firm that was mostly women and to learn a little about their stories and how they progressed into their roles. It was inspiring to see a firm where women are seen, heard and respected. It means a lot as it goes against some of the industry stereotypes, which I love to see. 

I would recommend doing a work experience placement to my friends, and they should use their network and connections to secure a place. If they do not have those connections, it would be best to go out and send in your CV to as many firms as possible, as ultimately any experience is a good experience.