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GBH Law donate to the Godalming Foodbank

Godalming Foodbank - Christmas donations - GBH Law

The team at GBH Law has been busy collecting donations for our local foodbank this Christmas!

We have collected over 40 Advent Calendars, Selection Boxes & Savoury Biscuits, and Crackers that will all be used to create Christmas Hampers to support local families in need.

Godalming Foodbank works tirelessly all year round to support families and households through difficult days and we were delighted to support them and our local community with this initiative again this year.

If you wish to donate to the Foodbank you can do so by following this link:

Donate here

Thank you to all our staff who contributed towards this donation.

You can read more about it on The Godalming & Villages Community Store Facebook page here.