Independent schools - training and support - GBH Law
Now that the school year has ended is it time to look at what training you have planned for INSET days and the school year ahead?
Our school’s team at GBH Law have extensive experience advising independent schools across the country and we are well versed in dealing with all issues that schools encounter on a daily basis.
We undertake tailored training programmes for our school’s clients and as another school year draws to a close and schools set out their plans for SLT, staff, and INSET day training programmes over the next academic year, we have outlined how we can help you.
We support several independent schools with their training needs, and we can undertake training for Senior Leadership Teams, teachers, and governors in various specialist areas including the following:
- GDPR and dealing with subject access requests
- Special educational needs training including admissions, EHCPs and avoiding disability discrimination claims
- Roles and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Governor
- How best to support your Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL). We work in conjunction with Nigel Taylor who is an NSPCC accredited consultant and Safer Recruitment Consortium Trainer. He is a current Board member of The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) and was an Independent School Head for 26 years
- Governors’ duties and responsibilities.
We are happy to discuss your needs and provide specific and tailored training sessions and programmes for your senior leadership team (SLT), teaching and non-teaching staff, and governors.
Other support we provide
In terms of HR and staff issues, you are unlikely to present us with a scenario we haven’t encountered before. Our approach is practical, and we like to see ourselves as part of your team. We don’t just advise you and then leave you to your own devices; we compose letters, draft scripts for difficult meetings or, if you prefer, attend them with you, and talk you through procedures to ensure that the right outcome is achieved.
We can also help with parent contracts, complaints, Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) withdrawal and special needs issues and can provide property advice and assistance with debt recovery. Our corporate team is also able to advise and assist in relation to any formation and governance issues.
Our team expertise
We have excellent connections with other professional advisers who work in the sector as well as organisations such as ISBA, IAPS, ISC and the Boarding Schools Association. This keeps our finger on the educational pulse, as does our frequent attendance at conferences and seminars. This enables us to incorporate relevant and current topics into your training.
The team at GBH Law are all familiar with the nuances of schools’ requirements and our approach is to ensure that model contracts, and all related ancillary documentation, are appropriate, tailored for your use and meet your requirements and the needs of your school.
Our directors and solicitors each have different areas of expertise but work together as a team to bring the very best of their combined wisdom and experience to bear on all matters that we handle for our clients. We pride ourselves on giving practical, sensible advice and being friendly and approachable whilst having all the necessary information and experience, not only on legal aspects but also on sector-specific changes and issues.
Get in touch with Andrea if you would like to discuss your training needs and find out more about how we can help you here.